It was around 4:00 am in 2006. I was in my downtown SLC apartment (not sleeping) when I saw the "Turbo Jam" infomercial. The little blonde lady (Chalene Johnson) on my screen captured my attention instantly. She was bubbly and fun and SO enthusiastic about her kickboxing workout. Needless to say I ordered the program. This was my intro to Beachbody- the company behind Turbo Jam, P90X, Insanity, Brazil Butt Lift, etc.

Not too long after I got into Turbo Jam I was talking to a dear friend, Betsy, and discovered she also LOVED Turbo Jam. She was the first person I knew that had become a Beachbody Coach. I started looking into it and was excited about what I found. I started "friending" other coaches on Facebook, and started asking them questions about it. Everything I heard and read was ultra positive. What a fabulous community of health and fitness minded people. I decided I needed to become a part of this world. I had since become friends on FB with Jenelle Summers (Chalene's sister who stars in her videos) and she posted about a challenge one of her coaches was hosting. I friended that coach, Kami, and started asking her my questions: Why did you become a coach? How does it work? How much does it cost? Etc., etc., etc.....(I always have lots of questions!) I liked what she said and how responsive she was so I signed up to be a coach under her. What a good decision THAT was! I've been a coach for about a year and a half and want to share with you the TOP 3 best things about being a Beachbody Coach:
- MOTIVATION! Since I'm a Beachbody Coach, I refuse to slack. People are looking to me to set a good example and that drives me. Big time.
- The products WORK! Before I got pregnant, I had lost 12 lbs and 2 pant sizes with Turbo Fire and Shakeology. Post pregnancy, I'm down 42 lbs and 18 inches overall. I'm not to my goal yet but I know with Shakeology and the Turbo Fire/ChaLean Extreme hybrid I'm doing, I WILL get there.
- SHAKEOLOGY! This product is ridiculous. It contains 70+ of the healthiest super foods from around the world. It is filled with protein, prebiotics, probiotics, and antioxidants. It's low in calories (140) , very filling and it tastes amazing. As a coach you get 25% off of all Beachbody products and that was a no brainer for me since I knew I would be using ShakeO for the forseeable future. Find out more about Shakeology here:
There are many more fantastic things about being a coach. If you want to know more, just ask!