Wednesday, July 25, 2012

In the Crib

We finally decided that a change had to be made.

Brooklyn hasn't had the best track record when it comes to sleeping. She despised her bassinet so we bought her a cradle swing which was a life saver. She has slept in that plush, musical, little swing since she was just shy of 2 months old. Well, our little girl needs more space to sprawl out and twist and turn so we had to change the scene. We tried the crib a few times but could only handle listening to her cry for about, oh, 3 seconds. Seriously, isn't it heartbreaking to hear your little baby crying?

We obviously are first time parents and just weren't ready to let her cry it out, so into our bed she went. Four or five weeks have passed and I swear that none of us have slept more than three broken hours a night in those weeks. "Fairly cranky" is a phrase that could be used to describe me when I'm sleep deprived and my poor husband has to work for a living! Most importantly, Little B needs her beauty rest.

We knew what we had to do.

On the fateful day of July 22, we had the resolve to lay her down in her crib. Cody and I prepared for it all day. We read passages from a book that was given to us, "Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child" and we reassured each other that we must try again and it is the very best thing for our baby. We went downstairs, watched "The Bachelorette" (Yay for Jef!) and listened off and on to her cry for about 25 minutes while we squeezed each others hands in solidarity. She woke up a few times during the next two nights but on the THIRD night, that little princess slept from 9 pm until 7:00 freaking AM!

                                                                   Happy Baby!

Parents, this stuff is hard and it puts you to the test. RIGHT?!

Brooklyn is 9 months old today and she was ready. We know it will help her in the long run and it's pretty great for Cody and me, too. I like to call this a WIN WIN WIN!




  1. Congrats, I bet it felt fantastic on that third night! I'll die when Owie goes in there & cries.

  2. It did feel fantastic! She really didn't lose it like we thought she would. Em, you just do whatever is right for you guys whenever it is righ!
